The Future is Dark Circle Free with our Radiance Shades Pro!

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Forget covering up: Get real tangible results

Reduce Puffiness and Dark Circles

Enhance skin vitality, diminish puffiness, and minimize dark circles by boosting blood circulation.

Safe and Non-Invasive Treatment

Red light therapy is a non-invasive and safe method for skin rejuvenation which carries carries no adverse effects.

Treat Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Stimulate your collagen production with red light therapy and reduce your fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Youthful Eyes Restored ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    "As a busy professional in my late twenties, the battle against dark circles and puffiness has been real. Radiance Shades Pro has become my secret weapon."

    Jessica C. - Verified Buyer

  • Bye Bye Wrinkles ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    "Wrinkles started making an unwelcome appearance on my face, and I needed a solution that actually worked. The red light therapy not only minimized my dark circles and puffiness but also worked wonders on those fine lines."

    Hanna V. - Verified Buyer

  • Visible Results ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    "Dark circles and the start of fine lines were making me feel less confident. This device has been a revelation! The red light therapy is soothing, and I've noticed a significant reduction in dark circles."

    Reilly B. - Verified Buyer

  • Great product! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    "I have used the product for ten days and have seen results already. People have started telling me that I look younger, and that actually makes me feel younger. This is the first product of this kind that I have used, so I have nothing to compare it to. Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend."

    Lora M. - Verified Buyer


    "Yes the product is giving results with my under eye bags. Please use consistently. I usually use the Radiance Shades Pro 3-times a week. I make sure I am relaxed and have 2-sessions per day."

    Jane S. - Verified Buyer

  • Love It! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    "I've been looking for something to help treat my under eyes, so when I came across this Under Eye Massager I thought I would give it a try. It works great! Being able to multi-task while doing skincare is always a plus for me. I love that is easy to apply and operate. I was slightly worried about how it would feel on my face but it is pretty comfortable and my under eyes are looking good."

    Sarah M. - Verified Buyer

  • I absolutely love this eyecare device! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    "Absolutely amazed! With the Radiance Shades Pro eye care I can actually see a difference, my skin feels tingly and elevated after every use and even when the feeling goes I check the mirror and my eyes still look awake! Very happy with my purchase."

    Jamie C. - Verified Buyer

  • I’m obsessed!!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    "I am usually skeptical about these types of devices. I have been using this one for about three weeks. I use it every night before bed and have seen a huge difference in the puffiness and bags under my eyes and even my dark circles is beginning to balance out which no cream or serum had any impact on!"

    Celine Herzog - Verified Buyer

  • Best device ever! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Lets talk dark circles. Because the way this tool has improved mine is unbelievable. My skin has always been plum but my under eyes always had a dark shadowy look which never went away no matter how much I slept or how much I moisturized them. I know it says to use it daily but sometimes I use it twice a day, I searched it up and there's no harm in doing so. Because of the plumpness my wrinkles are way less visible. So happy :).

    Danielle W. - Verified Buyer

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Got Questions Let US Answer Them!

How quickly should I expect see results?

Within the first couple weeks, most users notice diminished dark circles, reduced puffiness & bags and an overall more glowing

After a few weeks of regular use, most users notice a further amplification of the previous effects as well as a reduction in the
appearance of wrinkles & fine lines.

Is it safe to use?

Yes, the Radiance Shades Pro is completely safe!

Using 2 FDA Approved, non-invasive treatment methods
(micro-current & red light therapy) the Radiance Shades Pro is completely pain- free with 0 side effects.

Does it help with wrinkles?

Yes, the Radiance Shades Pro uses red light therapy which is an FDA approved treatment method clinically proven to reduce fine lines & wrinkles through boosting collagen production.

How does it work?

The Radiance Shades Pro uses the most studied and tested FDA approved treatment methods together in harmony for the best results.

Red Light Therapy:

The increased collagen and fibroblast help reduce pore size,
smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, and help improve and smooth out the texture of the skin. Red light therapy boosts blood circulation, collagen and fibroblast

How often should I use it?

10 minutes of daily use is all you need to see results!

We recommended an initial course of 8 weeks followed by maintenance as required.

How do I Use It?

Step 1: Use a gentle cleanser to remove makeup, dirt, and oils from your face. 

Step 2: Apply a small amount of transparent gel or water to
the under-eye area.

Step 3: Power on the device and select your micro-current pulse mode and intensity using the button

Step 4: Gently place the pads on the target under-eye area,
ensuring full skin contact. Leave the device on for 5-10 minutes and daily for best results!